Here are the leading questions for our peer review session today!
1. Interest
How does the author express their interest in their topic? Do they articulate why the topic made them curious?
2. The Question
Is my topic focused enough? How might I focus it further/add detail?
Are their any other perspectives to my research question that I could add?
Is my question researchable?
Is it "fresh" -- has it already been answered within this context?
Is it meaningful?
Is it investigatable, given our resources?
Is it meaningful?
Is it investigatable, given our resources?
3. Hypothesis
Does the author include their best guess as to the answer? Do they explain why they think this might be the case?
4. Resources
Will my resources help me answer/investigate my research question?
Does my plan include plans for both primary and secondary sources? Do my sources seem legitimate?
The meme is great! thanks for the tip!