Friday, March 22, 2013

Compocon II

It was either a random picture of a goat, or this.
Compocon II will begin on Monday! Here's the schedule:

Monday -- Ballroom
Tuesday 8-12 -- PHYS 1.101.

Come prepared to talk about your research! There will be plenty of experts on hand and cool people to chit chat with. The main focus of Compocon II is finding ways to adapt your research projects to a public audience (your group assignment!). It is also a good time to finish up any last minute primary research you might still have... dangling.

Attendance is mandatory. Be there or be square (and fail).

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Conference Day Schedule

Don't stand me up >:O

While we're conferencing, work on revisions. You should also be meeting with your groups to discuss your public documents and presentation projects. All meetings take place in my office ARHU (formally COAS) 270A. Please bring a copy of your Stage V. You will receive a grade for attendance!

MWF 11:45

Wednesday, March 27th

11:45 -- Carolina
11:55 -- Erick
12:05 -- Andrella
12:15 -- Tania
12:25 -- Cassandra
12:35 -- Jose V

Monday, April 1st

11:45 -- Adriana
11:55 -- Cynthia
12:05 -- Abel
12:15 -- Silas
12:25 -- Pedro
12:35 Alekxia

Wednesday, April 3rd 

11:45 -- Brittany
11:55 -- Olivia
12:05 -- Thomas
12:15 -- Armando
12:25 -- Sarai
12:35 -- Izamar

Friday, April 5th

11:45 -- Monica
11:55 -- AVAILABLE
12:05 -- AVAILABLE
12:15 -- AVAILABLE
12:25 -- AVAILABLE
12:35 -- AVAILABLE


Thurs, March 29th

9:10 -- Tiffany
9:20 -- Michelle
9:30 -- Emily
9:40 -- Danielle
9:50 -- Milton
10:00 -- Joanna
10:10 -- Sarah
10:20 --  Alexandra

Tues, April 2nd

9:10 -- Eric
9:20 -- Monica
9:30 -- Angelica
9:40 -- Cecilia
9:50 -- Chelsea
10:00 --
10:10 -- Kevin
10:20 --

Thurs April 4th

9:10 -- Roberto
9:20 -- Martha
9:30 --Matthew
9:40 -- Ahmad
9:50 -- Maria
10:00 -- Kassandra
10:10 -- Yosbelly
10:20 -- Amy

TR 10:35
Thursday, March 28th

10:30 Araceli
10:40  Kaylie
10:50 Priscilla
11:00 Stephanie
11:10 Javier
11:20 Miguel
11:30 Bianca
11:40 Samantha

Tuesday, April 2nd

10:30 Jorge
10:40 Kimberly
10:50 Diana H
11:00 Jose
11:10  Jessica
11:20 Claudia
11:30 Eliseo
11:40 Elizabeth

Thursday, April 4th

10:30 Horacio
10:40 Armando
10:50 Michael
11:00 Maria
11:10 Diana S
11:20 Maricruz 
11:30 Irene
11:40 Eunice

Stage V Peer Review Q's

My cat, grading YOUR papers :-)

You know the drill! Here are the questions I'll be asking myself while grading your papers. Won't it be helpful if your peers ask themselves these questions, too, while peer reviewing yours?

1. What research question are they setting out to answer here, and how does it connect to the discourse of writing studies? Why is this question one worth exploring?

2. How did the author go about conducting their research? What methodology did they use? Is it clearly illustrated? How does it connect to their research question?

3. What original claim is the author making? How do they support this claim with evidence? How is it related to the existing research?

4. Here's the big Q -- so what? What does this investigation mean? To whom? What might we do with it? Are these questions answered within the context of the paper?

5. How does the author go about giving proper credit to their sources? Do they incorporate a works cited page for both primary and secondary sources? Do they use parenthetical citations when paraphrasing/quoting?

Peer review responses due Thursday/Friday of this week. 1/2 page typed, double spaced for each partner. Bring 2 copies -- one for me, one for your partner.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Public Document and Research Presentation Assignment

:-) You're going to fail if you don't contribute! :-)

For the next couple of weeks, we will be revising our research projects and conferencing about them. I've set aside a good amount of time for our one-to-one conferences where you'll be getting personalized feedback on your research papers.

While we're conferencing, we won't have class; however, you will have an assignment to work on.

Going Public: Creating a Public Document and Preparing you Research Presentation

In groups of three (below), you'll be either a. choosing one research project to further develop into a public document or b. integrating all three projects into one public document that you will present to the class. Each group member must contribute. Your group members will have a chance to "review" your participation. Don't be a bum!

Public documents can take a variety of formats and genres; it's up to you to decide what's the most rhetorically effective way to reach your intended audience. You may decide to do a Youtube video, create a blog, conduct a TED talk, create a research panel discussion, develop a ragecomic, create a brochure, a poster, a prezi, etc.

You will need the following to be successful:
1. A rhetorically effective public document
2. A presentation to go along with your public document that each group member participates in. You'll be presenting this in front of the class and possibly at compocon
3. A written reflection on the process (this part is individual; each group member is responsible to turn in their own). For the written reflection, describe your public document and how it connects to the research project, the purpose, the intended audience. You'll also explain how each group member contributed to the project.  This doesn't need to be long; roughly two pages.

Each "piece" is worth 5 points to your final grade, so we're talking big points here! Use the conferencing days to meet with your group members and begin planning for this. You're welcome to meet in our classroom during class time or any time that your group members deem convenient.

Due Date:

MWF -- Wednesday, April 15th
TR -- Thursday, April 18th


MWF 11:45

Group 1:
Group 2:

Group 3:

Group 4:

Group 5:

Group 6:
Jose V
Thomas C

Group 7:

Group 8:
Jose. D

TR 9:10

Group 1:

Group 2:

Group 3:

Group 4:

Group 5:

Group 6:

Group 7:

Group 8:

TR 10:35

Group 1:

Group 2:

Group 3:
Diana S

Group 4:

Group 5:
Diana H

Group 6:

Group 7:

NOT IN A GROUP? Let me know asap.

Here are a few examples of a "public document"

Who's the intended audience? What's its purpose? Are these rhetorically effective? Thoughts to ponder...

That's So Gay
Teach Preschool
School in a Cloud

Friday, March 8, 2013

Spring Break!

But it's because I care about you guys!

As you know, your research papers (stage V) drafts are due when we return from spring break. Please bring 4 copies to class, as we will be peer reviewing them, and you'll be turning one in to me for additional feedback. Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, I'm just an email away.

Special note for MWF Students: On Monday, we'll be having some special guests come to our class for FESTIBA to talk about graduate writing courses. DO NOT BE LATE.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Interesting Things

Ever surf the web and find something interesting?

It happens to the best of us. Here's an article one of my wonderful students found that might be relevant to some of your research Qs. It's also pretty interesting (in case, you know, you've ever wanted to rationalize an irrational love for video games, like... errr... me).

Ten Surprising Truths

If you happen to stumble upon an article you'd like to share, you're welcome to post it here in the comments section. Perhaps it can help someone with their research. In celebration of mindless surfing! /prof. hoerth