Course Syllabus

ENG 1302: Rhetoric & Composition II
Time & Location:
1302.17, .40, .45 | COAS 259, HSHS W 1.122, HSHS W 2.110 | MWF 11:45-12:35, TR 9:10-10:25 and TR 10:35 – 11:50
Instructor: Katherine Hoerth
Office Hours: MWF 10:45-11:45 and by appointment
Office Number: COAS 270A
Office Phone: (956) 665-8779
Cell Phone: (956)887-0202 *Note – I will only respond to texts sent between 8am-5pm *
Course Blog :

The following introductory information explains what the class is and what different groups of people (at different levels of the university) want you to get out of it. It's a lot of info that may make your head spin at the beginning of the semester. Read it and see what you think. My language and my approach to these goals start with the section "What I Want To Do in Here."

To ensure consistency in instructional approaches throughout Texas public institutions, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board devised in 1998 exemplary objectives for all courses required in universities’ core curricula. Institutions throughout the state, including UTPA, have used the THECB exemplary objectives to define objectives for required core curriculum courses. In addition, all UTPA major programs of study now have Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) which promote consistency and accountability in preparation of majors. Finally, within each program, individual courses have objectives that reflect accepted theories, content, and practice in that discipline. This section of your syllabus also demonstrates how these various sets of goals are implemented in your specific English 1302 course through your instructor’s course objectives. 

English 1302 Undergraduate Catalog Description
English 1302 is designed to teach students how to initiate inquiry, engage in meaningful research, and produce effective researched arguments. To do this, students will get experience with primary and secondary research methods, engage in a variety of writing projects, and create at least one major research project.

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Exemplary Objectives for Communication
     To understand and demonstrate writing and speaking processes through invention, organization, drafting, revision, editing, and presentation.
     To understand the importance of specifying audience and purpose and to select appropriate communication choices.
     To understand and appropriately apply modes of expression, i.e., descriptive, expositive, narrative, scientific, and self-expressive, in written, visual, and oral communication.
     To participate effectively in groups with emphasis on listening, critical and reflective thinking, and responding.
     To understand and apply basic principles of critical thinking, problem solving, and technical proficiency in the development of exposition and argument.
     To develop the ability to research and write a documented paper and/or to give an oral presentation.

Departmental Goals: Student Learning Outcomes for English (SLOs)
SLO 1—Students will be able to interpret and analyze a text using different approaches from literary, rhetorical, and/or linguistic theories.
SLO 2—Students in certification tracks will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the areas of writing, literature, reading, oral communication, media literacy, and English language arts pedagogy.
SLO 3—Recent graduates who majored in English will demonstrate satisfaction with the programs in the English department.
SLO 4—Students will be able to use discipline-appropriate technology applications (such as library databases, computer applications, Internet research, non-print media, multi-media applications, desktop publishing, etc.) in preparation and presentation of course projects.

Student Learning Outcomes for the Writing Program
The following statements describe what we want our students to know, think/value, and do when they finish the First-Year Writing Program and successfully complete 1302 with a "C" or better.
1         The student improves his/her writing by engaging in processes of inventing, drafting, organizing, revising, editing, and presentation (corresponds with THECB Communication Objective #1).
2         The student writes with a purpose and composes texts in genres appropriate to his/her purpose and audience (corresponds with THECB Communication Objectives #2 & 3).
3         The student productively interacts with his/her peers, engaging in small group activities regularly and in which students give one another feedback on their writing (corresponds with THECB Communication Objective #4).
4         The student thinks critically about his/her position in the context of a larger ongoing conversation about the issue he/she is investigating (corresponds with THECB Communication Objective #5).
5         The student is aware of the choices that writers have to make and feels confident in his/her ability to use that awareness to engage in a variety of future writing tasks (corresponds with THECB Communication Objective #5).
6         The student finds, evaluates, and uses appropriate sources for research (corresponds with THECB Communication Objective #6).
7         The student meaningfully integrates and correctly documents information from sources (corresponds with THECB Communication Objective #6).
8         The student is aware of the ways technology affects writing (corresponds with THECB Communication Objectives #1, 3, 5, & 6).

Course Goals for English 1302 (not necessarily in order of importance)
 In addition to building on the goals of English 1301, English 1302 is designed specifically to help students:
     see research as a process of sustained inquiry into a question that matters to them (THECB 2, 6; WPSLO 2, 6; English SLO 1, 2, 3)
     develop a research question from a broader topic or issue (THECB 1, 5, 6; WPSLO 1, 4, 6; English SLO 1)
     learn a process for doing research that can be adapted from discipline to discipline and adapted as information technologies change over time (THECB 1, 3, 5-6; WPSLO 5-6, 8; English SLO 1, 2, 3, 4)
     learn how to find, analyze, evaluate, and use appropriate sources for their research, including primary and secondary sources (THECB 1, 3, 5-6; WPSLO 6-8; English SLO 1, 2)
     learn strategies for reading scholarly texts (THECB 5-6; WPSLO 4, 6; English SLO1)
     learn how to summarize complex arguments (THECB 1, 6; WPSLO 1, 6-7; English SLO 1, 3)
     think critically about their positions in the context of a larger ongoing conversation about the issues they are investigating (THECB 5-6; WPSLO 4, 7; English SLO 1, 3)
     understand the complexities of arguments (THECB 5; WPSLO 4; English SLO 1)
     learn how to make a claim based on their research and their own ideas and support that claim with evidence (THECB 1-3, 5, 6; WPSLO 1-2, 4, 6-7; English SLO 1)
     learn how to integrate and document information from sources into their own work meaningfully and correctly and to recognize that different disciplines have different conventions in this regard (THECB 1, 5-6; WPSLO 1, 5, 7; English SLO 1, 3)

What I want to do here:

In a nutshell, this class is a writing studio. We'll read a lot, talk a lot, research, write about our ideas and other people's ideas, share our writing and feedback in workshops, and revise (which is not editing) a lot. And I hope the direction of the class is driven as much by your interests and questions as it is by mine.

From this point forward, then, I’d like you to begin to think of yourselves as writers. Every one of us will have something important to contribute to our discussions, and I am looking forward to talking with you, helping you, and learning from you. It is important to me that you feel comfortable sharing your ideas, even when they’re different from others in the class (yes, even mine). I intend to treat you with respect, and I expect that you will do the same for me and for each other.

Because of my experiences writing and teaching writing, I have learned that you can learn a great deal from reading and responding to others’ writing, so the networks you form will be an integral component of the class. You will often work in groups, reading each other’s writing and commenting on it, sharing ideas from homework, and things like that. This work is designed to give each of you an opportunity to get a fresh pair of eyes, to get feedback and response from others who may not see the same things you do or respond to the words in the ways that you had expected. I expect each of you to take this work seriously and to give your peers the respect they deserve. I don’t know anyone who couldn’t benefit from constructive feedback and from talking through his/her ideas, so this will hopefully be a part of the course that you will come to appreciate and even enjoy.

This course isn’t designed to make you a perfect writer by the end of the semester. It is designed to help you become more reflective and thoughtful about your writing, about why you write and how. What we hope to do in the Writing Program at UTPA is to give you some strategies for dealing with writing tasks and to give you some opportunities to experiment with those strategies and to take some risks in an environment that is encouraging, constructively critical, and ultimately helpful. Hopefully, you’ll end up finding that writing can be a way of understanding yourselves and others and of communicating ideas in meaningful ways that can have tangible effects on your lives both as an individual and as a part of a larger social group.

So, while we will spend a good deal of time on developing ideas and pushing our thinking as well as thinking about rhetorical effects of writing choices, this is not a course in “formal” grammar and punctuation. I come here with the understanding that, whether you believe it yourself, you are familiar with the “basics” from a lifetime of experience, for some of you in two languages. When things like punctuation and syntax start getting in the way of your message, we'll take time to talk about writing in those ways. And until the end of the semester, your peer workshops won’t address things like spelling and punctuation either. We will spend most of our time working on your ideas and how you express them rather than on editing issues.

I look forward to working with you, learning from you, and creating a space in 1302 where good writing and intriguing learning can happen.

My 1302 Goals
Through your work in this class, you should begin doing the following things:
      Develop and build confidence in your abilities to create, interpret, and evaluate texts in all types of media (THECB 1, 2, 3; WPSLOs 1-8; English SLOs 1-4).
      Develop knowledge and inspire new ideas through writing (THECB 3, 5; WPSLOs 1-4, 6-8; English SLOs 1-4).
      Become a rhetorically effective writer who can respond credibly and accurately to a variety of writing situations (THECB 1, 2, 3, 5; WPSLOs 1-8; English SLOs 1-4).
      Learn to write with a purpose (THECB 2; WPSLOs 1-3, 5; English SLOs 2-4).
      Develop an awareness of how and why you revise your writing (THECB 1, 2; WPSLOs 1-3, 5, 8; English SLOs 1-4).
      Develop an understanding of the importance of getting feedback from others when writing (THECB 1, 4; WPSLOs 1, 3, 5; English SLOs 2-4).
      Develop habits for thoughtful and effective questioning and research (THECB 4, 5; WPSLOs 1, 3-4; English SLOs 1-4).
      Develop reading strategies for analyzing texts (your peers’ papers as well as the readings you’ll be working with) (THECB 4, 5; WPSLOs 1, 3-4, 6-7; English SLOs 1-4).
      Learn how to work constructively with each other through group work (THECB 4, 5; WPSLOs 3; English SLOs 1-4).
      Learn how to creatively take risks (THECB 1, 2, 3, 4; WPSLOs 1-3, 5, 8; English SLOs 2-4).
      Become familiar with appropriate style guidelines for class projects (THECB 1, 6; WPSLOs 1, 7; SLOs 2-4).

     Daily access to a reliable computer with the internet and a word processor
     The new university policy requires all electronic communication between the University and students be conducted through the official University supplied systems, namely BroncMail for email. Therefore, please use your UTPA assigned BroncMail account for all future correspondence with me (and all other UTPA teachers). 
     Most Important: Access to our Course Blog for class discussions, access to our class calendar, course docs, etc
     A reliable pen drive/jump drive/memory stick. Get one for 5-10 bucks almost anywhere, keep it safe, and make duplicate copies of all your work.

You will not have a required textbook, but you will have readings which are accessible online which you will be responsible for printing and bringing to class with you (if you want to have your readings online (on your laptop or your iPad or whatever, you will need to have a program which allows you to annotate those PDFs so you’ll have access to your marked up electronic copies each class day. The following is a tentative list of the readings we’ll use; this list is subject to change. 
     Richardson, Mark. “Writing is Not a Basic Skill”
     Alexie, Sherman. “The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me”
     Tierney, Robert and David Pearson, “Toward a Composing Model of Reading”
     Greene, Stuart. "Argument as Conversation: The Role of Inquiry in Writing a Researched Argument."
     Kleine, Michael. “What Is It We Do When We Write Articles Like This One––and How Can We Get Students to Join Us?”
     Kantz, Margaret. "Helping Students Use Textual Sources Persuasively."
     Penrose, Ann M., and Cheryl Geisler. “Reading and Writing Without Authority.”
Portfolio (60%) | This semester, you will essentially work on one major project which will have a number of different “stages” you’ll write your way through, culminating in the creation of a “portfolio” which you will turn in at the end of the semester. All the work we’ll be doing on a daily basis will feed directly into the work you do for your portfolio. Your portfolio will contain all the drafts and revisions for each “stage.”
Here is a tentative list of what you will be writing over the course of the semester for your portfolio. Don’t be alarmed. All of these assignments build on one another, so rarely will you be creating something from nothing. You’ll get specific instructions about the assignments as we move through the semester.

      Stage 1: Considering Constructs about Reading/Writing/Researching
      Stage 2: Plan of Inquiry
      Stage 3: Annotated Bibliography
      Stage 4: Survey/Interview Document
      Stage 5: The Formal Research Paper
      Stage 6: Portfolio Reflection

You will be re-thinking and re-writing parts or all of every major piece of writing I read from you this semester. As you write and re-write your work, you will need to keep track of the feedback you receive, the revision and editing changes you make, and each successive draft.

Throughout the semester, DRAFTS of your stages will be due to me for feedback. At this point, you’ll be receiving half of the total points that the particular stage is worth. The remainder of the points you’ll be earning once you turn in REVISED versions as a part of your portfolio at the end of the semester. Be sure to keep my comments! You’ll be turning those in with your final portfolio, too, so I can have a reference as to what you’ve changed. If you lose those comments, it’s going to mean a not so happy day for you in the future L

Because your course grade depends heavily on your portfolio, it is difficult to estimate your course grade throughout the semester, but if you’d like to have an idea of where you stand, please make an appointment to meet me outside of class, and I will review your work with you and give you a better sense of where you are grade-wise.

At mid-term, I will send out early warning notices if you are in danger of not passing the course at that time. However, if you'd like to know some specifics and/or an estimated grade at any point during the semester, just ask for a meeting with me. There is no need for you to be surprised by your final course grade even though I do not put grades on individual projects. It is your responsibility to keep up with this and to set up a meeting if you're curious or concerned, and it's important that you not wait until the last week or so to start asking about grades as it may be too late at that point for you to do what needs to be done to significantly raise your overall course grade.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not submit a complete portfolio at semester’s end, you may not receive a passing portfolio grade.

Daily Work (40%)I will periodically evaluate the daily work you do for class (reading responses, workshops, in-class writings, blog posts & comments, homework, etc.), worth between 1 to 4 points, depending on the assignment. This will allow me a chance to let you know how you’re doing in different areas and how you can improve throughout the semester. At the end of the semester, there will be a total number of possible points. Your specific grade will be determined by what percentage of the total points you have accumulated:
     90-100% of total possible points = A range
     80-89% of total possible points = B range
     70-79% of total possible points = C range
     60-69% of total possible points = D range
     0-59% of total possible points  = F range

For example, if there were two grades (6 total possible points) and you got a √+ (3) and a √ (2), this part of your grade would be: (5/6)x100=83. There will be many more points than this, but I wanted you to see a smaller scale example.


ALL WORK MUST BE TURNED IN HARD COPY. I will not accept emailed work. I will not accept late work (unless you have a provable, earthshattering excuse). This is very, very important!

Attendance and Drop by Instructor Policy:
“The student is expected to attend all classes and laboratory sessions. It is the responsibility of the student to inform each instructor of absences. When, however, in the judgment of the instructor, a student has been absent to such a degree as to impair his or her status relative to credit for the course, the instructor may drop the student from the class with a grade of ‘DP’ or ‘DF’" (HOP 5.2.4). For more information on university policies that affect you in terms of drops and such, see the chart at the end of this syllabus.

Because the quality of your writing so largely depends on your interaction with your peers and with me, it’s important that you participate every class day. It’s been my experience that students who attend class regularly, ask questions, and eagerly participate in class discussions/workshops get the most from this class.

About Dropping: If you decide to drop the course, I will NOT submit the DROP FORM for you. If it is your wish to drop this course, YOU MUST take care of it yourself. If you stop participating, but don’t drop, you risk failing the course. Ultimately, the best thing to do is to talk to me first; don’t just disappear and don’t drop without talking with me unless you’re certain you have no other alternative. I’ll do my best to work with you, but I can’t do that if you don’t communicate with me. 

Please be considerate of our classroom space and make every effort to get here on time. I will not have time to help you get caught up if you come in late, and, as you will be doing a lot of group work, you will be impeding your classmates’ progress as well as your own if you come in late habitually.

If we are doing an activity/quiz and you walk in once we’ve already begun, you won’t be able to do participate which results in a zero. Be on time, folks!

Beginning this summer, UTPA announced that all official email communication with students will be sent to students’ BroncMail email addresses. Whenever you email me, I ask that you follow this format so I can easily spot your messages and get back to you more quickly:
                                                                       From: Your BRONCMAIL address
Subject: ENG 1302.X
                                                                                               Body:       Hi Prof. Hoerth
                                                                                                                                SIGNED, Your complete name.

Accommodating Students with Disabilities:
If you have a documented disability that will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as we have outlined and/or you need special accommodations/assistance because of the disability, please contact immediately the Disability Services Office (DSO), University Center Rm. 322. Appropriate arrangements and accommodations can be made. Verification of disability and processing for special services, such as note takers, extended time, separate accommodations for testing, is required and will be determined by DSO. Consult DSO Coordinator at (956) 316- 7005.

Plagiarism and Academic Integrity Statement (department approved):
Dishonest acts, such as plagiarism (using words or a specific author’s ideas from another source without acknowledging the source) or collusion (having other people write parts of your paper for you), may result in an “F” on the assignment and may lead to a disciplinary hearing conducted through the office of the Dean of Students, which could result in suspension or expulsion from UTPA (this policy is consistent with the Student Conduct Code printed in the UTPA Student Guide). If you have questions about whether your use of other sources (such as books, websites, friends, writing center tutors) is fair or not, please ask before turning in the work that you have a question about.

UTPA Academic Policies for Faculty and Advisors - Fall 2008

Effective Year
Three-peat Rule
* Subchapter F 13.105-13.107
Fall 2005
1. Classes before Fall 2002 (UTPA term 031) do not count in three-peat calculation.
2. Classes taken during or later than Fall 2002 (UTPA term 031) can be taken twice within the same institution at the state resident tuition;
3. The third enrollment to a class taken at the same institution will be charged a “repeat class fee” in addition to the state tuition.  (UTPA repeat class fee:  $100 per credit hour)
Six Course Drop Rule
* Subchapter A 4.10
Fall 2007
1. Applies to students who first enrolled in Texas public university or college credit courses during Fall 2007 (UTPA term 081).
2. An institution of higher education may not permit an undergraduate student to drop a total of more than six courses.  Includes any course a transfer student has dropped at another institution of higher education
3. Concurrent enrollment courses and developmental courses do not count towards the six-course drop limit.
4. After the student has reached the six-course drop limit, he/she will not be allowed to drop the course and receive a grade for the course.
5. Exceptions to the six-course drop rule exist. The Office of the Registrar (William Morris, Joni Thomas, or Cindy Blanco) can be contacted to answer questions concerning policy exceptions and procedures 381-2201.
Seven Year Catalog Limit
UTPA 2007-2009 Catalog p. 73

1. The degree requirements that must be completed for graduation are those in effect at the time of the student’s entrance or those provided in a subsequent catalog. In any case, the catalog used to determine the degree requirements must not be more than seven years old. 
2. The College Catalog for 1998-2000 expired for students who did not graduate by August 7, 2007.  Therefore, students who were under the 1998-2000 Catalog have been automatically moved to the 2000-2002 catalog and must obtain 51 advanced hours for graduation.
Enrollment Cap (Excess Hour)
(Includes drops, repeats and withdrawals)
* Subchapter F 13.102-13.104
Fall 1999 – Summer 2006

1. Students first enrolled in Texas public university or college credit courses will have calculated enrollment caps based on the following criteria:
- before Fall of 1999 (UTPA term 001) = NO enrollment cap
- Fall 1999 through Summer 2006 = Degree Plan + 45 hours
- During or later than Fall of 2006 = Degree Plan + 30 hours
2. The student will be charged additional fees for those accumulated attempted college credit hours above the enrollment cap (= required degree plan credits + either 30 or 45 credit hours).
3. The additional UTPA “Excess Hour fee” for each credit hour starting Fall 2008 is $125 per credit hour.
(NOTE: No student will be charged for both “Repeat Class Fee” and Excess Hour  fee for the same course.)
Transfer of Credit - Limit
Chapter 4, Subchapter B
4.25 (f)
No institution of higher education shall be required to accept in transfer, or apply toward a degree program, more than sixty-six (66) semester credit hours of lower-division academic credit. Institutions of higher education, however, may choose to accept additional credit hours
Transfer of Credit - Core Completed
Chapter 4, Subchapter B
4.28 (c)

Transfer of Credit—Completed Core Curriculum. If a student successfully completes the 42-semester credit hour core curriculum at a Texas public institution of higher education, that block of courses may be transferred to any other Texas public institution of higher education and must be substituted for the receiving institution's core curriculum. A student shall receive academic credit for each of the courses transferred and may not be required to take additional core curriculum courses at the receiving institution unless the Board has approved a larger core curriculum at that institution.
Drop/ Withdrawal Deadline
Approved by Provost Leadership Team on 2-26-08
Fall 2008
That a drop and withdrawal date deadline at the completion of 75% of the semester be set.  After the drop withdrawal deadline, students will not be allowed to drop or withdraw from classes and will receive one of the following grades:  A, B, C, D, F, I, P, S, or U for a class.  The drop dates will be published in the UTPA Catalog and Calendar.   The drop/withdrawal date for Summer II 2011 is Friday, August 5, 2011.
Grading Policy Changes
Approved by Provost Leadership Team on 2-26-08
Fall 2008
1. Grading policy (codes) for Developmental Educational courses (ENG 1310, ENG 1320, MATH 1300, MATH 1334) will be changed from grades of A, B, C, etc. to grades of RA, RB, RC, etc. to indicate these courses are “Remedial.”
2. Grading policy for drops:  DP and DF will no longer be given, only a single, non-punitive drop symbol, DR will be used.

1 comment:

  1. A discourse sentence that shows how the case connections this site to the subject of this section.
