1. Read Kleine
and 2 (maybe a little more important) is to begin working on your Stage II.
The first step of Stage II is drafting and developing your research question. Please bring a draft of your question to class on Monday/Tuesday.
Having trouble honing down your research question?
Here are just a few examples:
- Do college freshmen and seniors use rhetorical strategies at all or in similar ways?
- How do grammar skills develop?
- What makes a classic literary work a "classic"?
- What makes an effective business plan?
- How does music effect writing or revision?
- How do literacy activities vary at high or low income daycares?
- What kind of writing will a social work major encounter?
- Is writing taught in medical school? Should it be? How?
Feel free to ask anything research related in the comments section. This will be a good opportunity for us to share our thoughts/ideas/concerns/complaints about that smelly old professor, etc...
Extra points available IF you're particularly helpful to someone else.
Mustache not required to participate.